喬治亞州執法官員聲稱,阿巴拉奇高中當天早上接到電話,警告有5所學校將發生槍擊事件,而阿巴拉奇高中是第1所。出於謹慎起見,該地區所有學校本週都將暫時關閉。1位家長告訴《CNN》,她的孩子就讀隔壁的小學,事發時她正在上班,卻收到短訊說有高中發生槍擊案,她立刻放下手邊工作,開車前往孩子的學校,確保孩子沒事。Apalachee High School students explain what happened inside the building when a 14-year-old allegedly opened fire this morning in Georgia, killing two teachers and two students and injuring several others.
美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)、副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)已聽取有關槍擊案的報告,拜登表示,美國人已無法接受這是正常情況,經過幾十年的無所作為,美國國會的共和黨必須有所行動,與民主黨合作,通過槍支安全立法。賀錦麗則說,在美國,父母每天都必須擔心孩子能否活著回家,實在令人憤慨,事情可以不必是這樣。Law enforcement escorts students out of Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, following a shooting that left multiple people dead. According to police, the suspected shooter, now identified as 14-year-old Colt Gray, is "in custody and alive." The deceased victims were two students, and two teachers, according to police. CNN News